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It's not funny anymore

Apparently, Bubs sucks now.  He leads a boring life without any interesting or funny instances, hence why I haven't written in awhile.  I've been trying to introduce him to new things, new people, in order to inspire him break out his mundane lifestyle, but alas, nothing yet.

Get off the couch, already!So, I'll make a list of things that have happened and maybe they're funny and I'm just too tired to write a full story about them:

1. Bubs learned to zrbtt on his own:

2. He was naked at my parents' condo and urinated onto a table.  A lot.

3. He decided to turn into the worst person in the world to take out to dinner, particularly to fancy restaurants.  Which is the mega worst when you're on vacation in the Caribbean and all you do is go out to eat at fancy restaurants.

I guess I'll just take this to go4. He discovered my pubic hair after I got of the shower.  He likes to pat it.

I know, I know, but I had to5. He got animal flash cards for Christmas, and now calls all of them Xantus.  ALL OF THEM

What the fuck is a xantus?6. He got into the shower with me, fully clothed (him, not me.  see #4) and I didn't notice for about 45 seconds

7. In a moment of weakness during a 5 day stint of single parent duty, I showed him "Counting to Four" on the iPad.  He is now a full fledged addict, and we battle every night.  More! More! More!

And he still can't even count to 1.

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Reader Comments (3)

Ahahahahahahahah! This is the best post (besides all your other ones) yet! So true, so Frank, so real. His new favorite thing to do at our house is to dance in circles to the Beach Boys until he falls down, eliciting deep belly laughs from him--and from us. I love this boy.
February 3, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterGrandma
Ha! Love all your posts, this one especially. When he follows you into the shower at 10 then you can worry.
February 4, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterCarole
CC who is 3 is a shower and tub hijacker. She is stealth and
She will also poke at my privates. My son once
Asked if my I had "dirt on my butt" referring to my triangle of pubic hair. Fun!
February 24, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterJessi Rivera

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