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Vacation tales

Bubs is 99% potty trained. It's a tough journey but lemme tell ya, I do not miss shit-filled diapers. I don't miss them at all. Don't get me wrong, ass-wiping is still my job but at least now I can focus on the bullseye. The last 1% is just refining his skills with aim. A skill that, as a woman, I will ensure he masters. Why do so many men pee on the floor?

One of the 439003066791 reasons I was excited to to Grand Cayman was to have eight days with Bubs to work on this mastery. So we get to Cayman and the Universe throwns me a generous bone: the toilets are a little lower to the ground and the pefect height for Bubs. Gracias! 

First time we attempt, he doesn't want to hold his penis. My son NOT wanting to hold his penis? I was astounded. He peed all over the damn bathroom. Second time, he remembered that dick holding is his favortie pasttime. Had one squirt on the floor but he self-corrected and finished strong. High fives and hand washes.

Day two, we wake up and he heads right into the bathroom. I squat down next to him and he's on it. Undies down, penis in hand appropriately angled, full urination 100% in the toilet, not a drop spilled. HELLZ YEAH! I am one proud mama and he's one proud boy. And then he gave me that look - you know the one. That face when they've just overcome something they've been working at; accomplishment, growth, pride.  For me, that face is the definintion of motherhood. I started to tear up a little, in that small but profound moment, so I reached out for a high five, and he handed me a turd.

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